Audio BAC Quick Start Guide

  1. Insert your SD card with sound files and connect your audio BAC using an ethernet cable. The device expects to be on a network with DHCP. Most networks with a router have this.


  2. Apply 12V power to the audio board and BAC using one of the three styles below.
    Applied power to audio board only. Audio board will provide theoretical 2A supply to BAC and its peripherals. Future revisions of the audio board may not directly supply the BAC. (Not recommended) Applied power to both BAC and audio board. Dual barrel connectors with common ground. (Recommended) Applied power to both BAC and audio board. Single barrel connector with jumpered headers. (Recommended)
    drawing drawing drawing
  3. On the BAM homepage find your BAC in the list and click Settings.


  4. On the General page choose your desired game and network. Click Save.


  5. Navigate to the Game tab and configure game settings. Click Save when finished.


  6. Navigate to the Network tab and configure network settings. Click Save when finished.


  7. Have fun!