
(Requires internet access)
The BAC can automatically update the firmware over an Ethernet connection.
Note: Versions below 1.5 may have trouble using this update method and should instead be updated over USB.


  1. Locate your BAC within BAM and head over to the system settings page.
  2. Under Firmware Updates, check the "Update On Next Reset" checkbox
  3. Set the first textbox to the tftp url / ip. Warning! As of bootloader version 1.1 this value should be an IP address pointing to tftp.escaperoomtechs.com. The IP can be obtained by opening a command prompt / terminal and using the command ping tftp.escaperoomtechs.com
    This command will work on Windows, Linux, and macOS. As of the time of this writing the IP is but can possibly change in the future.
  4. Set the name of the firmware image file. You would typically use firmware_general_latest.bin however if you have a custom version of the BAC firmware you will need to inquire with Escape Room Techs for the correct image name for your application.
  5. Hit the Save button.
  6. Reset the BAC by power cycling the device



Status light keeps breathing

If after updating your device is stuck with the stat led "breathing", you will need to reflash using the USB update method.