
Realistic phone prop with on/off hook detection, dialtone, DTMF decoding, message playback and optional ringer.

Included in the phone firmware.

Hardware Requirements


Phone number 1
The solution phone number. Calling this number will solve the game and play the message 1 file. Phone numbers have 10 digit maximum

Message file 1
Name of the solution message sound file. Played when phone number 1 is dialed.

Phone Number 2-5
Plays corresponding message when dialed. Phone numbers have 10 digit maximum

Message file 2-5
Name of the sound file played when respective number is called.

Timeout in tenths of a second before the timeout (fastbusy) sound plays.

Bad Number Sound File
Name of sound file played when a user dials a number not in the list.

Dial Tone Sound File
Name of looped dial tone sound file.

Timeout / Call Over Sound File
Name of sound file played when a session times out or when a message ends.




As a general rule, sound files should be trimmed for silence before and after the message.